
On Page VS Off Page SEO

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is employed to optimise a website for organic search traffic and uses both on page and off page strategies. When it comes to using SEO to your advantage, both are important to help you rank higher in search results.

On Page SEO

On Page SEO refers to the optimisation efforts you are seeing ‘on the page’ of your website. Elevating your on-page SEO not only enhances the overall user experience for visitors but also positively influences how Google perceives your site. This optimisation approach concentrates on elements that are under your control.

Content – Google highly values content that is not only unique and engaging but also easily digestible for users. The incorporation of relevant keywords within your content is important for achieving higher rankings on Google’s search results. Additionally, attention to detail in refining meta tags, optimising URL structures, and implementing internal linking all contribute to a more robust on-page SEO strategy, encouraging extended engagement from your website visitors.

Structure – What does the structure of your content look like? You might have the best content but if the reader can’t make sense of it, they’re going to leave. Clear and concise headings, well-defined subheadings, visually appealing graphics, an easily readable font, and font size, and ample spacing between paragraphs all contribute to a seamless and enjoyable reading experience. By addressing these elements, you not only enhance your on-page SEO but also create a more compelling and user-friendly site that encourages visitors to engage longer.

Off Page SEO

Off-page SEO encompasses activities conducted beyond your website to enhance its visibility. This primarily involves the establishment of backlinks and mentions on reputable external sites. These off-site signals play a crucial role in enhancing your website’s authority and credibility, thereby elevating its search engine rankings. Focusing on cultivating external reputations and relationships is essential for bolstering your authority and demonstrating to Google that your company is trustworthy.

A key strategy for improving credibility lies in prioritising E.E.A.T – Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. By implementing off-page SEO tactics, you can effectively demonstrate to Google that your site merits attention from your target audience. Leveraging social media platforms, guest posts, influencer collaborations, and strategic link building are effective ways to enhance your off-page SEO ranking. Link building, in particular, holds significant importance in off-page SEO, particularly when acquiring links from domains with high authoritative value in Google’s estimation.

Both on page and off page SEO are important when it comes to your website. While it’s great to get mentions from some big names and to have your website shared by others, it’s just as important to make sure your on page SEO tactics are working, too. A combination of both on page and off page SEO will help boost your website and get it ranking on the first page of Google. SEO takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.

We prioritise design and content

With a focus on great content and design, we build websites that convert! At Content Sites, we’re here to help you not only create great content for your site and generate more traffic, but to also make your website look amazing! It’s where design and content meet, to create a website that works. Ready for a website that stands out? Chat to us today about your upcoming web project!

If you’re creating content using keywords people aren’t searching for, your content will simply get lost in a sea of other online content. And trust me, there’s a lot out there and it’s easy to get lost. The only way to not just stay afloat, but to make your way on shore, is through the right keywords. If you want people to find you, you have to make sure you’re using the keywords needed to not just bring them to your site but stay there.

Lisa Bourke
Lisa Bourke