
A Brief History Of WordPress

WordPress has a clean site structure that isn’t cluttered with anything unnecessary. Despite its complex design capabilities, it’s quite simple in its creation. This means search engines love it and are easily able to crawl and index without wading through complex algorithms. What that means for you, is that if you build your website using WordPress, it has a higher chance of being seen by Google, and therefore pushed higher up in the search results. When asking anyone what to use to create a website ‘WordPress’ will usually come out on top. But how much do you know about the history of WordPress? Let’s go back to where it all began.

The blogging platform

WordPress started in May 2003 as a blogging platform by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little as a branch of a blogging software called b2/cafelog. The idea was to simplify the process of publishing and managing blog content for anyone to use.

It didn’t take long for it to evolve into something more and soon expanded into a content management system (CMS). Themes and plugins were introduced to allow users to create a host of different websites, and because of its open-source nature, it allowed for a strong community support to expand it further.

In May 2004, WordPress rolled out version 1.2, which introduced the plugin architecture. This allowed users and developers to expand WordPress’s features by creating their own plugins and sharing them with the community. This unique approach helped WordPress stand out from other blogging platforms and fuelled its rapid growth.

2005 saw one of the biggest changes when WordPress 1.5 came into effect. Creator Matt Mullenweg had this to say about it, “In 1.5 we have created an incredibly flexible theme system that adapts to you rather than expecting you to adapt to it. You can have your entire weblog run through a single file, just like before, or you can literally have a different template for every single different category. It’s as much or as little as you want. We’ve also broken common site elements like headers, footers, and sidebars into their own files so you can make a change in one place and see it everywhere immediately.”

From there, WordPress continued to grow, with each year and each version seeing new developments and improvements. By 2013 they had already become the most popular CMS in the world.

In 2020, when the Pandemic was at its most rife, the WordPress community had to rethink the way the company worked. Despite the challenges, the development continued and WordPress 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 came out during these hard times.

WordPress started out as an idea to create a better blogging platform. But through community support, and a fantastic forward-thinking team, they’ve evolved into the greatest CMS platforms in the world. They’re working on new ways to make the platform better for their users every day and continue to evolve.

Why we use WordPress

When it comes to SEO, WordPress is widely recognised as one of the best platforms to use. However, building a website from scratch on WordPress can sometimes be challenging. To overcome this, we use the Elementor plugin, which enables us to create unique, easily editable, and customisable websites. Elementor ensures that your website looks fantastic on any device and, more importantly, provides robust SEO features to enhance your search engine rankings.

We prioritise design and content

Simply having a good-looking website is not enough. To effectively draw traffic and convert visitors into paying customers, a well-crafted SEO strategy is essential. We’re here to help. Our approach centres around creating websites that seamlessly blend great content with beautiful designs, ensuring optimal conversion rates. Request a free quote from us today, and let’s kickstart the journey to online success together. Your website deserves to shine, and we’re here to make it happen!

Lisa Bourke
Lisa Bourke